Almost all of ur frens call u Jason, but i prefer to call u Pang.
I know that u r v stress with ur exam preparation. Chill chill.. Think of the good time after the exam when u can come back to Malaysia. Do u Miss ur mum's cooking? Do u Miss ur nieces n nephew? Do u Miss ur Lahad Datu frens? Do u Miss Tanjung Aru Beach? Do u Miss me? Haha..
Haih.. I miss the time we spent together..
There was a time when u drove all the way to buy us 7-11 float coz we told u that we wanted to drink. The sofa in ur sis house was comfortable. We watched Ice Age 1 in ur sis house rite? ( I guess tat sofa is no longer there?) Y din u invite us to ur house for dinner as u always cook for ur sis n boyboy. The instant soup meehoon with egg i cooked for u was supposed to be with SOUP, somehow i poured too little water n ended up to be DRY Meehoon with egg. Lolz.. Wat a good 'chief'!!!
SA 2961 W.. The car which brought us to hang around KK. We wished tat ur car would drink milk, so tat can fly up to mt kinabalu. Muahaha.. Hmm.. Ur driving skill is excellent!! ( Ok, I hv added another good point of u to the list)
Hmm.. U used to be my Master during the Trip to Kundasang while I was ur Angel. In the end of the trip, u gave me a v v big Origami. Our group scored the highest point for the acting session. Aaron aka Bio Tan, U aka Emily Tiong, Ahseng n me were the students being scolded by u, SR was extremely good in imitating the way Bio Tan speaks. I hv forgotten wat's the role of Peijen, iggy n shanmin..
Ohya, u hv ur own 'language' rite?? Pang Peng Piang Pong Pung Peng.. Somehow I hv forgotten how to create a sentence using ur language.. I'm sorry bout tat..
Wish u good luck in ur exam. Gambateh!! Take care!!

I hv no idea y does the pic look like this???? ( It 's extremely in good condition b4 i got it uploaded). Hoho.. So happy tat u all cant c how do i look like during A level time.. Bler.. =P
hey i totally forgot about the Kundasang trip! what did we do again? know what...i lost ALL my photos before graduation, including YSC and Welfare's....
OMG.. U lost ur soft or hardcopy of photos? I lost most of my softcopy pic, luckily not the hardcopy.
We were required to link those given word like 'chemistry', 'duster' 'Biology' etc.. into a show. Do u still remember the way Mrs Emily Pronouns Yellow ppt, Johnson.. Haha..
I think i lost my softcopy....maybe they're buried somewhere in my house, how i wish i have them with me now. miss welfare and ysc days
ahah I remember very clearly how those lecturers speak. ooo....i remember vaguely, i think we did some practise before the show, and I remember that bit!!!
Tat trip was really fun. I miss those old days.. Btw, I lost my welfare best member cert. *Sob Sob*
best member cert? got such thing? just awarded to u ah?
No no. 4 of us got it. U, pj, iggy n I. Should beoutstanding members or sth like tat. I hv forgotten wat's the title. Dun u remember?
yaya found it. I brought the cert over.
Certificate of Merit is hereby awarded to LAI SHIN RU in recognition of her Dedication and Service to the Institute as an OUTSTANDING MEMBER OF WELFARE SUBCOMMITTEE STUDENT COUNCIL 2003
*Sob Sob* I lost tat certicate which is so meaningful to me. We really spent lotsa effort n time in organising those activities.
glad to look back at all the fun time we had
just that these few days/weeks/months,i'm in a state of 感叹,感叹人事以非,感叹人面不知何处去,感叹人的180度转变,感叹。。。。
i dunno,li ping,i dunno how it will be like。。。。
还以为常告诉自己“i'm ok" 我就会好了
当回忆侵袭时 我什么都办不到
OMG, I really really feel sory to Li Ping, I never visit to your blog until today, I read you actually wrote me a page, damn.... I am so sorry about that..!!!!!
Sorry everyone. do keep in touch..!
Haha.. It's ok. No prob. Wish you all the Best in your final semester. Really hope to meet up with you all soon. I miss you, my A level mates!!!!!
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